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Sean Morgan provides Seca Solution clients with 35 years’ experience in traffic engineering. During this time Sean worked with both authorities and private sector clients to deliver hundreds of successful projects. Sean is an experienced traffic modeller, familiar with the latest Sidra intersection modelling tools. He is an accredited road safety auditor (lead level 3) and is qualified to prepare work zone traffic management plans. Sean has extensive knowledge of the assessment procedures associated with the development approvals process, with the application of engineering solutions to traffic, access and parking problems including providing advice to the Regional Planning Panels.

When asked why should a client employ a specialist traffic engineer, Sean explained  “my role is to provide sound, quality advice that my client can rely on. Any problem has a solution. I am an engineer, we can always find a solution, but at what cost? My role is to ensure that clients do not commit to more traffic associated infrastructure than is technically required, whether it is road works, parking supply or contributions for transport.  But it must be safe as safety is paramount.  At Seca Solution we encourage our clients to introduce us to their project at the very beginning. Too often specialist traffic and transport advice is sought towards the end of the development application by which time commitments have been made, extensive design work undertaken and delays already incurred through the road approval process. Our long working relationships with the various road authorities enable us to understand the context of the development from their perspective. Ultimately, we are the conduit between the project team and the traffic approvals process. We seek to understand the project from all perspectives, enabling an informed decision-making process, reducing project risks, saving time and costly redesigns along the way.  At Seca Solution we see ourselves as the client’s own specialist traffic engineer on their project team”.

Sean has worked predominantly in the private sector where he has focussed on developments involving traffic impact assessments that are required as part of the supporting documentation to the relevant road authorities. This work has covered a wide range of developments, both in terms of land use and size of development.  These assessments have included negotiating with the road authorities, reviewing safety and access issues and providing advice to the client with regard to access arrangements and determining the extent of impacts upon the road network.  Sean has been able to combine his experience with local government and the road authority to ensure a robust solution is provided for the client, to satisfy road authorities whilst minimising costs associated with developer funded road infrastructure. Sean has also worked on numerous projects requiring transport planning, including BikePlans, Pedestrian Plans (PAMPs) and recreational facilities as well as safety reviews and audits for a wide range of projects.

Born in Wales, Sean undertook his Civil Engineering studies at Liverpool University in Britain where he went on to work for over ten years with companies including Buchanan Consulting Engineers and Travers Morgan Consulting Engineers.  Having moved to Sydney in 1996, he worked for Sinclair Knight Merz and South Sydney Council before moving to Newcastle in 2000.

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